Remove MyBrowser

MyBrowser is called an advertising software (adware for short). This means that it’s a program specially designed to distribute publicity by inserting it in every website you visit. Usually malicious programs like MyBrowser easily manage to avoid being detected by antivirus and advertising blockers. They avoid being detected because these security programs consider you installed MyBrowser with full awareness of what you were doing and by your own choice. Why?… simple, because MyBrowser was installed at the same time as another tool you installed on your own, or perhaps some fake update you fell for; either way you probably went on clicking “Next” without reading thoughtfully what you were doing and thus installing MyBrowser (and probably many more unwanted programs) at the same time.

Besides showing ads tagged as Ads by MyBrowser or some other tag like this one, this malicious software also has access to very sensible information about yourself. Even though they promise on their official website that all information remains anonymous, the truth is that MyBrowser has potential access to everything you have in your computer and everything you do with it from the very first moment the program has been installed. This is why is so important to remove it promptly.

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Michelle Lopez: