Remove GameHug

GameHug Arcade is developed by the French company Tuto4PC/Eorezo. It’s an adware disguised as a tool that will allow you to have access to great games and do web searches from every website (or so they say in their official website).

In this website they tell you that you’ll get the chance to play hundreds of games without any time limit and without ads, which is funny considering that just after that they tell you in their conditions that publicity might be added by GameHug: “When you use the Plugin, you will see links and advertisements for websites, products and services provided by third parties.” After installing it in our testing computer we can tell with certitude that many ads appear everywhere…

No one in their right minds wants to have a software like this, which is why they count on people’s innocence to arrive to their computers. The software is offered along free software or fake updates, they only need you not to read what some setup programs says to take place into your system. Here’s a classical example of this kind of deceitful install within the setup process for 7-zip:

Be very careful with what you download from the internet. Make sure you use a secure website (https) or the official website from the software you wish to install.

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Michelle Lopez: