Remove fud@india.com

fud@india.com is a file extension added to encrypted files by a ransomware. By “ransomware” we mean: “a malicious software that kidnaps your files”… In other words, fud@india.com encrypts files present in your computer and requests a payment if you want to have them back.

What’s different about fud@india.com?

This malware goes specially after the following file formats: .PFD, .PTT, .DOC, .XLS, .TXT, .JPG; once it has encrypted them it will add a different file extension looking like this: .id_fud@india.com

This ransomware will also create a file (picture) where you’ll see the instructions to be able to pay. This file is called fud.bmp and will be open automatically when you try to open one of your files.

It says that your computer has been attacked by an encoder-virus, meaning all your files have been encrypted and it also explains that without the original key you won’t be able to get them back. In order to attain this key you must send an email to “fudx@lycos.com” using the subject “encryption” plus the id seen in the new file extension added to your files. These hackers also ask you to refrain yourself from sending threats, as it won’t do you any good…

Could we recover our encrypted files?

It’s a tough question with no easy answer; you could always try using Shadow Explorer to recover a Windows automatic backup, if such option was activated in your OS (keep reading for further explanations). You should know that attempting to break the encryption by force doesn’t work 99.9% of the time.

How can I protect myself from ransomware?

First of all, do not download silly tools from the Internet, and in any case your could use Hitman.Alert 3, a free software which includes a capability to protect you from ransomware.

Download HitmanPro.Alert 3

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Michelle Lopez: