Remove Footybase.com

Footybase.com is a browser hijacker, in other words a program that modifies several settings of every browser installed in your computer when this program hits. Footybase.com changes mainly your default homepage, replacing it with a soccer related website.

This is not a exactly a virus, it is however an intrusive annoying program. People behind this website aim at increasing web traffic towards their page by installing it as homepage in as many browsers as possible. This allows them to artificially create web traffic that will in result improve their Google position. On the other hand their advertising income also increases.

Footybase.com is barely the visible part of this parasite, there’s another part that is responsible for stopping you from removing this page, usually a service or process that will make sure to reinstate all changes you attempt to remove. This program could also be the source of other kinds of threats but we can’t be sure at this point. It could for example, spy on everything you do online to build databases to be sold afterwards on the black market, or it could start showing ads not related or affiliated to Footybase.com. 

To completely remove this unwanted website use the guide presented below.

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Michelle Lopez: