Remove Discovery App

Discovery App is a malicious software distributed thanks to setup programs (for free software) that have been modified by certain download platforms. If we forget to customize the install process of everything we download from the internet we can easily end up with Discovery App and many other infections installed in our computers.

Discovery App inserts ads directly onto every website we visit, often causing bugs and execution problems and messing with the visual look of everything seen in our browsers.

Usually we notice we have been infected with Discovery App, because its ads are tagged as Discovery App Ads or Ads by Discovery App. 

Besides ruining our browsing experience, Discovery App also allows itself the time to spy on everything we do online, saving useful data about every website we visit and every web search we make. It goes as far as analyzing the contents of our computers; according to them (as seen on their official website) these analyzing and saving data tasks are done for statistics uses only. The truth is quite different, they use this data to save it into huge databases whose value increases by the amount of personal data they contain.

Discovery App is already known for several anti-virus software because it’s a new version of the previous infection called BrowseFox. SuperWeb LLC, the company behind these infections never changes it ways, all it does is to change the name of their program and register another website based in the same models they have already used to publish their conditions of use.

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Michelle Lopez: