Remove DealWifi

DealWifi is a search engine found at mystart.dealwifi.com or search.dealwifi.com.  Although at first sight this search engine is not dangerous for your system, its way to be installed onto your web browsers, is what makes of this program a parasite. DealWifi is after all a browser hijacker, in other words, a program that modifies your homepage and search engine by default changing whatever setting you had so its own websites are in its place. Of course all of these is done without asking for your permission or even alerting you about it.

Even though Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Edge are evolving all the time rushing to make up new ways to protect the user from strangers modifying its parameters, browser hijacker’s developers always seem to find a way to work around those measures and succeed at installing whatever they need to increase traffic in websites that will also increase the size of their wallets.

Removing mystart.dealwifi.com or search.dealwifi.com manually is not an easy task; as many other browser hijackers, DealWifi takes every precaution possible to ensure its staying installed as long as possible, thus a simple restart of your browser might not be enough to recover your old homepage and search engine. The guide we present you below uses only free and trustworthy tools that will help you in removing not only DealWifi but also any other parasite lurking around your system.

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Michelle Lopez: