Remove Dalesearch

Dalesearch is a browser hijacker (dalesearch.com), which means that this page has been placed as your homepage with the help of a malicious tool. What for? To force you to have a different homepage plus a different default search engine without you noticing when these changes are going on.

This kind of behavior has been trending a lot from the past 3 to 4 years, and every day more and more programs are interested in your browser’s configuration… What could possible be easier for achieving high traffic levels and show ads that modifying the configuration of hundreds of browsers all over the world?

To do this, Dalesearch‘s creators work with freeware, in other words free programs that include this installation in the “default” settings, so it’s done as quietly as possible, so all browsers installed at the time of the infection are modified. Sadly, that’s not everything they do, they also make sure to set in motion different actions to stop you form changing back your parameters manually. Of course this is quite understandable, Dalesearch‘s developers are mostly interested in you keeping their homepage and search engine in place as long as possible, the longer you have them the more traffic and ads for them.

Unlike what many websites offering a “removal solution” for Dalesearch try to convince you of, you don’t need to spend one penny to remove it from your computer. You’ll find below tools that will remove Dalesearch without any problems and for free.

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Michelle Lopez: