Remove Cloudfront.net

Cloudfront.net is not a malicious url or a virus, in fact is an address belonging to Amazon, but it can be used by others for mischievous reasons. Cloudfront.net is part of the Amazon Web Services offered by Amazon.com; it’s a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which is nothing but a network of computers connected among themselves through the internet.  This kind of connection allows them to deliver content directly to users.

Many adware developers use CDN to make their malicious programs work. That’s why you might see a lot of ads hosted at Cloudfront.net or some of its domains. It could also be hosting tracking devices or redirection pages that show Cloudfront.net as its url on your web address bar.

Adware tools are created to raise money by showing the biggest amount of ads possible, therefore creating execution bugs and completely ruining the browsing experience. They could also be the source of security issues because they can track which websites are visited, saving that data in remote servers.

If you’ve been experiencing redirections towards Cloudfront.net, or have been seeing unexpected ads coming from that address, our free guide will help you solve the issue. Don’t be overconfident in other solutions found online, 99% of them are just tricks to make you buy something that will cost more than money!

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Michelle Lopez: