Remove adultcameras.info

adultcameras.info is a porn website that has been annoying you when least expected by opening up for no reason. This means you’ve been infected by at least one unwanted program. If you wish to get rid of adultcameras.info, you need to start by searching and finding the unwanted program making the calls to this address so you can properly remove it.

The malicious software directing you towards adultcameras.info has modified your computer’s DNS, it might even have changed your router’s DNS too. We call this DNS hijacking, a very dangerous threat for you because every website you visit might be replaced for a fake website. It might be difficult to notice the differences between the real website and the fake one; the fake one will be an exact copy of the former, but with the ability to collect your personal and banking data.

Normally when an unwanted program has arrived to your computer you installed it yourself without even noticing (when you installed a freeware). Every time you download free software from download platforms, you are at risk of being “forced” to install a potentially unwanted program. This is why you must be very careful when you install free software.

Of course it is possible to uninstall unwanted programs through the control panel, and to manually remove extensions from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. However as we don’t know the exact name of the adware calling adultcameras.info, we encourage you to use the following free tools to find and erase every unwanted program present in your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: