Remove zhinku.info

zhinku.info is part of a Russian website presenting a search engine. This page is set as default homepage and default search engine by a browser hijacker. A browser hijacker is a program that makes sure to perform these changes without you noticing nor even asking you for your approval.

The search engine presented at zhinku.info is based on Google Custom Search, a service that is offered to webmasters so they can offer a search option on their websites. At zhinku.info you’ll see Google Custom Search configured to perform global searches.

Why would zhinku.info like to be installed on its victim’s browser? The answer to this question can be split in two; first of all the more this website is used the more money for its creators because among the search results shown there will be a lot of ads. The second reason is related to web traffic, as this is an important indicator to achieve a good position on Google. If this website is widely visited it will improve on real search engines like Google or Bing.

If you’re dealing with this issue, there’s no doubt that you were infected through a freeware installer that was clever enough to hide the fact that zhinku.info would be installed as well. You can remove it with the help of our guide and by means of the tools recommended, all 100% free, unlike what you can find in so many fake security blogs.

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Michelle Lopez: