Remove optimatic.com

optimatic.com is a domain name that belongs to Optimatic, an advertising company from USA, more specifically based on New York City. If you’re reading this page is because you’ve been puzzled with the meaning of this domain name. Optimatic, as most advertising companies, broadcasts publicity through their web servers, the problem is that this particular company doesn’t seem to thoroughly check their clients because many adware and unwanted programs have been using their services to make money.

Optimatic is also neglecting the checking process of the actual ads shown by their clients, this is clear because is not uncommon to see ads pretending to be alert messages that are of course fake. These ads can come from several sources like: ntracking.optimatic.com, cdn.optimatic.com or delivery.optimatic.com.

In the end is not Optimatic per se the problem, the real issue comes from the adware and unwanted programs using their advertising services to annoy you with endless and unexpected ads. To avoid this kind of issue you must be careful with anything you download from the net, specially when dealing with executable files that demand administrator privileges to work. When possible make sure to use the advance settings on install processes and never neglect reading what they are offering you.

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Michelle Lopez: